BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About infrastructure setup for Red Hat Enteprise Linux > Kronodoc installation procedure

Kronodoc installation procedure

The Kronodoc installation procedure is described below. Steps 1-7 are described in this document, please refer to the Kronodoc 5.0 Installation Guide for steps 8-9.

  1. Verify compatibility of existing software and Kronodoc. For the supported versions of the OS, databases and other 3rd party software please refer to the document Kronodoc 5.0 Supported Software.
  2. Acquire server hardware. For server hardware purchases please consult Kronodoc Oy and the Kronodoc 5.0 Server Platform Recommendations guide for server hardware recommendations.
  3. Purchase server TLS/SSL certificate (required for https).
  4. Install Kronodoc server based on recommendations described in the Hardware recommendations and Operations System Setup sections.
  5. Setup network related parameters as described in Network Setup section.
  6. Install database server based on recommendations described in Oracle Database Setup section.
  7. Send information described in Testing server setup, Verifying Oracle setup and Installation checklist to Kronodoc Oy prior to Kronodoc installation.
  8. Kronodoc oy installs Kronodoc on the server. Installation is typically done over a ssh-connection.
  9. Execute post-installation tasks such as make Kronodoc service start automatically after server operating system reboot.

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